Object Pascal Handbook by Marco Cantu 書籍推薦 (新增內容)。
最新『2015-08-11』更新版本(共 553 頁),
是『Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS and Android』跨平台和移動開發書籍,
新增兩個章節內容『第17章:TObject and the System Unit』及
『第18章:Other Core RTL Classes』,
ID: 30018, Object Pascal Handbook by Marco Cantu
Chapter 1: Coding in Pascal
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
Chapter 3: Language Statements
Chapter 4: Procedures and Functions
Chapter 5: Arrays and Records
Chapter 6: All About Strings
Chapter 7: Objects
Chapter 8: Inheritance
Chapter 9: Handling Exceptions
Chapter 10: Properties and Events
Chapter 11: Interfaces
Chapter 12: Manipulating Classes
Chapter 13: Objects and Memory
Chapter 14: Generics
Chapter 15: Anonymous Methods
Chapter 16: Reflection and Attributes
Chapter 17: TObject and the System Unit (新增內容)
Chapter 18: Other Core RTL Classes (新增內容)
Appendix A: The Evolution of Object Pascal
Appendix B: Glossary